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**NEW**-NBE’s Educational Grant!

NBE is pleased to announce a new educational grant for echocardiography examinations!


Grant Description

The program will provide 5 (five) grants per examination (CCEeXAM, ASCeXAM, Advanced PTEeXAM, Basic PTEeXAM) to first-time test takers in 2023.

Award recipients will be required to submit payment receipts and receive a reimbursement for the cost of examination registration. Please note grants given for the Basic PTEeXAM are given every other year. The Basic PTEeXAM will be given in 2024. Deadline to apply June 6, 2023.

If your application is accepted, grant monies will be awarded after examinations are taken.

Click here to learn more about NBE’s Certification Education Grant!

*Note* We are accepting grant applications for United States and Canadian residents only.

Please click here to apply for the NBE educational grant!

Updated COVID-19 Policy

Upon further evaluation of the COVID-19 pandemic, the NBE has re-evaluated the extended COVID-19 policy and those affected within the 2020 and 2021 calendar years.  It has been determined that on December 31, 2024, we will no longer be accepting applications using the extended COVID-19 policy. For additional clarification of this policy, please refer to the appropriate handbook.